Thursday, June 20, 2019

Good Luck, Grandma's Race Weekend Racers

The annual Grandma's Weekend Running Festival (I sort of improvised that name) is happening this weekend.  Coach Kiprunning will be participating at the half marathon level, and we wish our participant--and every participant, in every race--the best of luck.  We hope, and we know, that you will do well.

Coach Kiprunners have participated in a variety of the race events held during this weekend over the years.  The last time that the group was represented in Duluth was in 2013, which, incredibly, was six whole years ago.

Most notably, way back in 2009 when Wilson Komen was beginning his coaching career, one of his running partners, Christopher Raabe, won the marathon.  (There's more on that victory on RunWashington, and we encourage you to read the article in its entirety.)

We know this weekend well, and again, we wish every participant much success.

Also, one piece of advice: bring warm clothes for before and after the race.  It can get quite cold up there!